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Privacy policy

The use of this website makes you the user and implies that you fully accept, and without reservations, each and every point included in our legal advice, therefore, if you do not agree with any of the conditions stated, you should not use/access this Website.

1 Website condition of use

1.1 Visitors to this website are considered as users of the website and will find information related to the type of activity, products and services that we provide.

1.2 The information and materials on our website have been obtained from sources we consider reliable. However, despite precautions and reasonable measures to ensure the reliability of the information, it cannot be guaranteed that the information is exact, complete and/or up-to-date. Consequently, we do not accept responsibility for the omission of information or for the publication of incorrect information that appears on this website.

1.3 The information exhibited and/or given by this website should be considered, by the user, as general information, without taking the information as a determining element for decision making by the user. As such we do not accept any responsibility for the verification of the information on the website, and specifically it is understood that said information, subject to the corresponding Spanish law, is not governed by users acting in other State jurisdictions that have different requirements for the placement, divulgation or advertisement of related services to the activities and/or advertised services on this website.

1.4 As service hosts of the Information Society, we reserve the right to update, modify or eliminate information on this website, which can include limited or unpermitted access to said information without previous notification. Specifically, the right is reserved to eliminate, limit or block access to the website when technical difficulties occur for reasons beyond our control and that, according to our criteria, lower or eliminate standard security levels adopted for the appropriate functioning of the website.

1.5 As hosts, we can establish legal technical procedures to obtain information relating to an anonymous visitor, which means, in whichever case, that said information cannot be associated in any way with a concrete user or identity. This procedure saves data using the domain name of the supplier, which is used to access the network by the user, time and hour of access to our website, the Internet address that shares the link to direct the user to our website, the number of daily visitors to every section, and natural analogue data. The collected data and information is used for statistical analysis, to improve our knowledge about the visitor activity to our website, and to maintain and/or improve online presence.

1.6 The users, in whatever moment, can deactivate our data collection mechanisms by changing the configuration of their website navigation software. This deactivation while not interfere with the navigation of our website.

1.7 The user authorizes us expressively and unequivocally to obtain and use information which is generated as a consequence of using our website, with the only aim to offer a more personalized and efficient navigation for the user.

2. Responsibilities

2.1 As service providers, we decline any responsibility for the information displayed on our website which comes from sources unknown to us, in the same way as we decline responsibility for the content that has not been designed by us.

2.2 The function of the links that appear on this website are exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on the Internet, where one can expand on the information offered by our website. Therefore, we will not be, in any way, responsible for the consequences of accessing these websites through said links.

2.3 In no case will we be responsible for any loss, damage or problems in any form that could occur from the access and/or use of this website: this includes those produced by information systems, viruses or illegal activities by hackers. In the same way, will we not be held accountable for the damages that could occur to users by the unsuitable use of our website in any way, from the failure, interruption or defect of telecommunications.

2.4 As hosts, we are not responsible, in any way, for the possible discrepancies that could arise in the printed version and the electronic version of the same documents published on other websites obtained electronically from this website.

3. Personal data protection policy

Estudio Mendue is responsible for the personal user data and all data will be subject to EU Regulation 2016/679, 27 April 2016 (GDPR), which establishes the following:

Data Usage: Used to maintain a commercial relationship and to communicate information about products and services.

Data Storage: Personal data will be stored while there exists a mutual benefit for the data usage. When this is no longer necessary, personal data will be subject to appropriate security measures for its Pseudonymisation or be destroyed.

Data Sharing: Personal data will not be given to third parties, unless legally obliged.

User’s Rights:
The right to withdraw consent at any moment.
The right to access, change, transfer or remove data and limit or stop its usage.

The right of complaint to the Controlling Authority ( if it’s considered that personal data is not used according to the current rules and regulations.

4. Industrial and intellectual property

4.1 The entirety of this website (texts, images, logos, audio archives, software archives, color combinations, etc.), in the same way as the structure of the content, is protected by the Industrial and Intellectual Property Law, and cannot be object to exploitation, reproduction, distribution, modification, or used in public communication, and cannot be borrowed, transformed or broadcasted without being expressly authorized by us (as hosts and owners of intellectual rights). Therefore, the access to this website does not give the users any right or entitlement to the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the content of this website.

4.2 As the owners of the intellectual rights of this website, we reserve the possibility to exercise legal action against users that violate intellectual and/or industrial property rights.

5. Applicable and charter legislation

5.1 The general conditions presented will be validated by the Spanish legislation referred to earlier or by another not explicitly indicated but by obligatory application.

5.2 The user of this website expressly recognizes the corresponding charter, subjecting them to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.

6. Registered identity data

6.1 The registered data of the owner of this website is the following:

Name: Estudio Mendue
Fiscal Identification Code:
Madrid Mercantile Register; Tomo 29361; Libro 0; Folio 170; Sección 8ª; Hoja M-528534.

6.2 The address of the owner of this website, for communication and to exercise rights, is the following:

Calle de Víctor Hugo 1
28004 Madrid Spain